Terdaftar lebih dari 6000 orang anggota dalam kurun waktu kurang dari sebulan, pertumbuhan NahnuMuslim (NM) terbilang sangatlah pesat. Dengan fakta besarnya jumlah kaum Muslimin dinegara asal NM, Indonesia, dan juga dukungan para NMers (Sebutan lain pengguna NahnuMuslim), NM yakin akan menjadi Situs Jejaring Sosial Terbesar dan Tercepat pertumbuhannya di dunia, insya Allah. Walau dengan fitur dan tampilan yang masih terbilang sederhana, terbukti tidak membuat antusias kaum Muslimin Indonesia, khususnya, untuk tetap meramaikan Situs besutan Arrahmah.com ini.
NahnuMuslim Alternatif Islami
NahnuMuslim mungkin bukan merupakan pertama ataupun satu-satunya situs jejaringan sosial yang menggunakan metode jaringan Microblogging. Bahkan ada saja segilintir orang yang mengkritik NahnuMuslim mengadopsi ide dari situs jejaring sosial lain yang sudah lebih dulu ada di dunia maya. Namun sekali lagi, fakta tersebut tidaklah membuat NahnuMuslim lantas ditinggalkan oleh para penggunanya, ataupun menurunnya intensitas orang-orang yang mendaftar. Terbukti dengan terus meningkatnya dan bertambahnya jumlah member di NahnuMuslim.com.
Dalam masa percobaan, fitur yang ditawarkan NahnuMuslim adalah update status dengan 200 karakter. Berbeda dengan situs jejaring sosial pada umumnya, di NahnuMuslim jika pengguna membuat kesalahan tulisan ataupun ingin merubah status yang mereka buat tanpa menghapus status yang salah dan membuat status baru, pengguna bisa dengan mudah meng-edit statusnya. Selain itu para NMers dapat dengan mudah berbagi video, foto, dan link yang langsung dapat dilihat dan dinikmati oleh para NMers lainnya.
NMers juga dapat membuat Grup yang sesuai dengan misi dan visi mereka masing-maisng. Saat ini terbilang sudah ada 28 Grup yang didirikan dan dianggotai para NMers, salah satunya Grup CyberJihad tempat berkumpulnya NMers yang mendedikasikan dirinya untuk menepis propaganda yang tersebar di dunia maya, juga ada Grup Sharia4Indonesia, sebuah komunitas Muslim yang menyuarakan penegakkan Syari’at Islam di Indonesia, dan juga Grup Ukhuwah Islamiyah tempat dimana berkumpulnya para Muslim NMers untuk saling berukhuwah dengan Islami. Dan juga puluhan Grup lainnya.
Interaksi antar NMers saat ini mirip dengan sistem Twitter, yaitu sistem follower (pengikut). Siapa pun bisa mengikuti atau diikuti oleh member yang lain. Sistem seperti ini memang lebih bebas dan terbuka, namun ke depan akan dibuat juga sistem pertemanan, dimana NMers bisa menerima atau menolak pertemanan dari member lain. Follower (pengikut) hanya bisa mengikuti atau melihat status yang memang dipublikasikan untuk umum, tapi teman bisa melihat informasi-informasi yang lebih privat.
NahnuMuslim juga dapat dinikmati dengan mudah oleh para pengguna handphone dalam 2 versi, versi simple dan versi layar sentuh (touch screen). Fase percobaan akan berlangsung selama 3 bulan, selama masa percobaan itu NM akan melihat dan merencanakan hal-hal dan fitur-fitur yang bermanfaat untuk Pengguna NahnuMuslim di kedepannya.
Bangga Gunakan NahnuMuslim
NahnuMuslim tidak hanya menawarkan fitur-fitur diatas namun NM menawarkan sesuatu yang jauh lebih bermanfaat. Ada alasan kuat mengapa pemilik Ar Rahmah Media, Muhammad Jibriel AR --semoga Allah senantiasa melindunginya-- yang merupakan pencetus ide NahnuMuslim, memutuskan nama “NahnuMuslim” yang berarti “We Are Muslim” untuk menjadi nama situs jaringan sosial besutannya, tidak lain dikarenakan, Muhammad Jibriel AR ingin mengajak para kaum Muslim untuk berbangga dan menegaskan indentitas dirinya sebagai bagian dari kaum Muslim.
Lantas dengan alasan demikian, bukan berarti NahnuMuslim berpikiran sempit dengan melarang non-muslim untuk bergabung didalam komunitas NM, jika non-muslim ingin bergabung ke dalam komunitas NM karena ingin mengetahui atau mempelajari tentang Islam maka NM akan menerima dengan senang hati, namun apabila niat kedatangannya ke dalam komunitas adalah untuk menebarkan kebencian dan memprovokasi ummat, maka NM tidak akan tinggal diam saja.
Sesuatu hal yang mungkin tidak dirasakan di situs jaringan sosial lain adalah suasana ukhuwah yang sangat hangat dan Islami di NahnuMuslim. Bukan hanya memberikan sarana perkenalan sesama muslim, namun NM merupakan wadah untuk saling mengingatkan, tazkirah bagi yang lalai, wadah di mana sesama Muslim saling mencintai karna Allah. Saling berbagi, saling menasihati. Hal itu bukan berarti NMers harus melulu berbicara tentang Islam, NMers diberikan hak kebebasan berbicara apa saja, selama tidak melanggar syariat, Al Quran dan Sunnah. Bisa berbicara tentang Islam, dakwah, muamalah, jihad, cinta ataupun sekedar berbagi pengalaman hidup dan cerita sehari-hari. “Kebebasan yang Bersyariat” itulah motto NahnuMuslim.
Walau dengan dana yang terbatas bukan berarti mengecilkan hati NahnuMuslim untuk dapat bermimpi tinggi. NM mempunyai banyak sekali visi dan misi ke depannya yang insya Allah dengan seizin Allah akan terwujud tidak lama lagi. Salah satu rencana NM mengenai fitur ke depan adalah dengan memberikan fasilitas bagi para NMers sebuah pages dimana terdapat info mengenai daftar-daftar vendor yang Islami, sebagai contoh; page daftar sekolah-sekolah Islam untuk memudahkan para Ibu untuk mencari sekolah anaknya, daftar restoran halal bagi yang suka berwisata kuliner, radio-radio Islam, majalah, buku-buku Islami, dan lain sebagainya.
Dengan adanya visi dan misi ini, di ke depannya nanti NahnuMuslim akan membuka peluang untuk kerjasama berupa bentuk iklan, informasi dsb. Dan banyak lagi visi dan misi lainnya yang insya Allah akan memberikan banyak manfaat bagi ummat Islam. Semua itu akan dapat diakses di NahnuMuslim, tentunya hanya para NMers yang dapat menikmatinya.
Rencana yang sebentar lagi akan terwujud adalah, insya Allah, dengan seizin Allah, tidak lama lagi NM akan mengganti server baru menggantikan server yang selama ini overload karena menampung ribuan Users dan menyebabkan sedikit gangguan. Semoga penggantian server ini akan lebih dapat memberi ruang untuk para Muslim lain yang belum bergabung untuk dapat bergabung di NahnuMuslim tanpa ada kendala yang berarti. Dan berbarengan dengan penggantian server, insya Allah, NM akan memulai untuk memberikan fitur-fitur baru untuk dapat segera dinikmati oleh para NMers.
Ayo Bersinergi & Dukung NahnuMuslim
Dengan segala keterbatasan yang ada, suatu fakta yang tidak dapat dielakkan memang, bahwa jika dibandingkan dengan situs jejaring sosial lainnya, yang notabene banyak dimiliki oleh kaum kuffar dan yahudi, NahnuMuslim terlihat terlalu “kere” istilahnya untuk dapat menyaingi mereka, apalagi dengan keterbatasan dalam dana.
Namun adanya keyakinan kepada Allah dan dukungan serta doa para NMers, NM akan berbuat semampunya, karena jika alasan awal dari niat baik NM untuk memberikan sarana Ukhuwah Islamiyah ini hanya sebatas urusan dana, maka NM tidak akan pernah bangkit, dan hal itu tidaklah mengecilkan hati NM, biarlah semua berjalan sesuai aturan Allah, seperti air yang mengalir tanpa ada ujung, karena Allah Maha Mengetahui niat NM. Karena berbuat yang terbaik untuk Agama Allah merupakan suatu hal yang sangat mulia, oleh karenanya, semoga para muhsinin, orang-orang yang diberikan Allah kemampuan dengan harta yang lebih, dapat lebih peka dan memperhatikan sarana-sarana dakwah yang membutuhkan mereka.
Oleh karena itu, marilah kita bersama-sama membangun dan meramaikan NahnuMuslim, Jejaring Sosial “Made in Muslim” kita, dimana kita bangga dengan produk dan identitas kita sebagai Muslim. Gunakanlah fitur-fitur NahnuMuslim sebagai wadah umat Muslim berkreasi, berbagi, dan berdakwah dengan sesama Muslim. Realisasikan inspirasi umat dengan lebih banyak merujuk kepada NahnuMuslim, dibanding menghabiskan waktu untuk sesuatu yang kurang bermanfaat di Jejaring Sosial kuffar dan yahudi, seperti Facebook, Twitter dsb. Sudah saatnya umat Muslim bangkit dan bangga dengan produknya sendiri. Awali dengan bergabung dan berukhuwah bersama di NahnuMuslim. Allahuakbar! Allahuakbar! Allahuakbar!(fq/Feby Hanoum Abdullah/Nahnumuslim.Com) disadur dari eramuslim.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Mengajarkan menyatakan pendapat "how to give opinion"
Dalam kurikulum SMA terdapat materi yang berkaitan dengan bagaimana menyatakan pendapat. Sebagai seorang guru kita wajib mencari cara yang lebih menyenangkan dalam belajar. Sedikit berbagi tips dalam mengajarkan bagaimana menyatakan pendapat. Sediakan peralatan dibawah ini:
1. Karton
2. Spidol
3. Poster atau potongan berita yang sedang hot (read: highlight)
Pertama-tama berikan lead-in kepada siswa,
1. Karton
2. Spidol
3. Poster atau potongan berita yang sedang hot (read: highlight)
Pertama-tama berikan lead-in kepada siswa,
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan
Piala Dunia 2010 telah usai, mari kita sambut Piala Akhirat 2010. Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan. Apakah anda akan menjadi juara Ramadhan tahun ini? Minal Aidin wal Faidzin...Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin. Kita bersihkan hati, sucikan diri untuk menyambut bulan yang penuh berkah ini...
Monday, July 26, 2010
Selamat kepada para wisudawan dan wisudawati yang telah mengikuti proses pengukuhannya sebagai sarjana. Semoga semua ilmu yang telah kalian timba dari STKIP Setia Budhi dapat bermanfaat dan penuh dengan keberkahan. Amiin
Mapping KTSP
Before starting our teaching activities, we should consider about the materials based on the curriculum. Try to map the materials by its grades. Here is the example I've made for you. These are the materials mapping for SMP/ MTs. Get it here.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
This book will help children who can read and write (generally about 7 years and upward) to practice English skills. Many of the skills required by the National Curriculum for English, especially spelling, are included:
- Alphabetical order
- Nouns, verbs, adjectives
- Sentences and questions
- Letter patterns
- Alphabetical order
- Nouns, verbs, adjectives
- Sentences and questions
- Letter patterns
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Learning to Teach in The Primary School

Written by experts in primary school teaching, this edition is divided into 37 units each covering essential concepts and skills, including:
Outdoor Learning in the Early Years: Management and Innovation (3rd Edition)
Now in its third edition, Outdoor Learning in the Early Years is the complete guide to creating effective outdoor environments for young children’s learning. Comprehensively revised and updated throughout, this book covers every aspect of working outdoors in the early years and fully explains the importance of outdoor play to children’s development.
Key topics covered include:
How to manage and set up the outdoor area
What children gain from being outside
How to allow children to take managed risks
Making sense of work and play
Key topics covered include:
How to manage and set up the outdoor area
What children gain from being outside
How to allow children to take managed risks
Making sense of work and play
Schools for All Kinds of Minds: Boosting Student Success by Embracing Learning Variation
This book shows how schools can--and must--develop expertise in "learning variation" (understanding how different kinds of minds learn) and apply this knowledge to classroom instruction in order to address the chronic learning challenges and achievement gap faced by millions of students. Barringer shows how using what we know about learning variation with a focus on discovering learning strengths, not just deficits, can help schools create plans for success for those students who often find it elusive. The book specifically addresses how school leaders can incorporate this knowledge into instructional practice and school-level policy through various professional development strategies.
Poetry - From Reading to Writing: A Classroom Guide for Ages 7-11

25 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make

- Discipline
- Teacher-student relations
- Classroom policy and practices
- Classroom management and instruction
- Personality and professionalism
- Teaching style and behavior
Story Times with Hand Puppets
"Kim Faurot produces the most magical and professional story time for children I have ever seen." —Renee Vaillancourt McGrath
Authors and illustrators spend years developing their creative visions. It is only fitting that their artistic integrity is preserved using beautiful, functional, and creative props for performing the book or poem at story time. What if you could make great props in a reasonable amount of time, learn tips to safely store them, and adapt them for a variety of uses and audiences over the years?
Now you can thoroughly engage your audience in the quality and spirit of your presentation when you use these "permission granted" plans, scripts, and props that reflect the original works. Books in Bloom outlines the step-by-step process and proves anyone can do it. Covering every question and concern, and supported with all the resources to do both the creative and the administrative tasks (such as copyright releases and script adaptations), this is a must-have resource.
Following the step-by-step instructions, you'll learn how to make these props that range in difficulty—from "easy," taking two or three hours, to "expert" level, taking up to 20 hours. By understanding the developmental underpinnings and mastering all the steps throughout the process, you will be ready to tackle your own projects. Download.
Authors and illustrators spend years developing their creative visions. It is only fitting that their artistic integrity is preserved using beautiful, functional, and creative props for performing the book or poem at story time. What if you could make great props in a reasonable amount of time, learn tips to safely store them, and adapt them for a variety of uses and audiences over the years?
Now you can thoroughly engage your audience in the quality and spirit of your presentation when you use these "permission granted" plans, scripts, and props that reflect the original works. Books in Bloom outlines the step-by-step process and proves anyone can do it. Covering every question and concern, and supported with all the resources to do both the creative and the administrative tasks (such as copyright releases and script adaptations), this is a must-have resource.
Following the step-by-step instructions, you'll learn how to make these props that range in difficulty—from "easy," taking two or three hours, to "expert" level, taking up to 20 hours. By understanding the developmental underpinnings and mastering all the steps throughout the process, you will be ready to tackle your own projects. Download.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Say No To 'Cheating'

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Semantics Materials
Materials for my Semantics class. You may download it here. You may read the other related books and materials.
Monday, April 19, 2010
How Much A Bare Bear Bear?
The great pronunciation book. This will catch your eyes coz of its colorful pictures. Read it here.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Futuuhul Ghaib (Penyingkap Kegaiban)
"...(wacana-wacana ini) diilhamkan kepadaku dari khazanah dunia ghaib.." Karya terpenting sang wali -- disamping Fath al-Rabbani dan Qasidah al-Ghautsiyah. Terlepas dari sifatnya yang nyata-nyata mistis, kumpulan berbagai wacana tentang masalah tasawuf ini, mudah dipahami. Sayyid Abu Muhammad Abdul Qadir Jailani, lahir di Jilan, Persia pada 1077M, adalah seorang wali-sufi yang telah mencapai peringkat ghauts -- yang, dalam peristilahan tasawuf, hanya berada setingkat di bawah Nabi. Sebagai seorang mujahid pemelihara ruh Islam, ia adalah muhyiddin (pembangkit iman) yang berpengaruh atas sejarah Islam, hingga kini. tarekat Qadiriyah --salah satu tarekat yang paling popular di dunia Islam, termasuk di Indonesia-- berpangkal pada tokoh ini.
Risalah 1
Tiga hal mutlak bagi seorang Mukmin, dalam segala keadaan, yaitu: (1) harus menjaga perintah-perintah Allah, (2) harus menghindar dari segala yang haram, (3) harus ridha dengan takdir Yang Maha Kuasa. Ia bertutur: Tiga hal mutlak bagi seorang Mukmin, dalam segala keadaan, yaitu: (1) harus menjaga perintah-perintah Allah, (2) harus menghindar dari segala yang haram, (3) harus ridha dengan takdir Yang Maha Kuasa. Jadi seorang Mukmin, paling tidak, memiliki tiga hal ini. Berarti, ia harus memutuskan untuk ini, dan berbicara dengan diri sendiri tentang hal ini serta mengikat organ-organ tubuhnya dengan ini.
Islam di Negeri Matahari Terbit
Di era tahun ‘50-an ini, banyak orang Jepang yang masuk Islam. Di antaranya seorang pembesar Jepang yang kemudian memiliki pengaruh dalam sejarah perjalanan dakwah di Jepang, Prof. Abdul Karim Sabato. Ia memeluk Islam dengan perantaraan seorang jama’ah tabligh yang bekerja sebagai dosen di Universitas Takushoku. Puluhan pemuda Jepang juga masuk Islam dengan perantaraannya.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Wong Fei Hung Adalah Seorang Muslim
Selama ini kita hanya mengenal Wong Fei Hung sebagai jagoan Kung fu dalam film Once Upon A Time in China. Dalam film itu, karakter Wong Fei Hung diperankan oleh aktor terkenal Hong Kong, Jet Li. Namun siapakah sebenarnya Wong Fei Hung?
Wong Fei Hung adalah seorang Ulama, Ahli Pengobatan, dan Ahli Beladiri legendaris yang namanya ditetapkan sebagai Pahlawan Nasional China oleh pemerintah China. Namun Pemerintah China sering berupaya mengaburkan jatidiri Wong Fei Hung sebagai seorang muslim demi menjaga supremasi kekuasaan Komunis di China.
Wong Fei-Hung dilahirkan pada tahun 1847 di Kwantung (Guandong) dari keluarga muslim yang taat. Nama Fei pada Wong Fei Hung merupakan dialek Canton untuk menyebut nama Arab, Fais. Sementara Nama Hung juga merupakan dialek Kanton untuk menyebut nama Arab, Hussein. Jadi, bila di-bahasa-arab-kan, namanya ialah Faisal Hussein Wong.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Nilai Prose Semua Kelas
Silahkan lihat nilai kalian disini. Yang belum mengumpulkan tugas tidak ada nilai. Harap segera menghubungi dosen bersangkutan. Download disini.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Types of Research Design
Most research in education can be classified as one of two types - descriptive studies and those aimed at discovering causal relationship. Descriptive studies are primarily concerned with finding out "what is". Examples of questions that might be studied by means of a descriptive approach are: Do teachers hold favorable attitudes toward the new mathematics? What kinds of sctivities occur in sixth-grade art classes and how frequently do they occur? Observational and survey methods are frequently used to collect descriptive data.
The Linguistics Encyclopedia
As the present encyclopedia shows, linguistics today encompasses a wide range of component disciplines and associated activities, all of which use the name to announce their commitment to the serious study of language and languages. This (relatively recent) expansion of linguistics means we need to focus on the core of the subject and how it emerged from its nineteenth-century origins as ‘the science of language’, a phrase which is still taken as a gloss on modern linguistics though not all linguists find it equally congenial. Get the book here.
English Brainstormers
Lately, we teachers have been bombarded with educational terminology such as “The State Standards,” “Learning Assessments,” “Academic Intervention Services,” and “Competency Evaluation.” Yes, the new standards are probably necessary for some students for a number of reasons. Yes, students who are not performing up to a specific standard should be given remediation.
Learning Fun
This book is pre-schooler activities book. It consists of many pictures which can be used for language learning materials. Download the book here.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The Pronunciation of English

Forbidden Words
Many words and expressions are viewed as ‘taboo’, such as those used to describe sex, our bodies and their functions, and those used to insult other people. This book provides a fascinating insight into taboo language and its role in everyday life. It looks at the ways we use language to be polite or impolite, politically correct or offensive, depending on whether we are ‘sweet talking’, ‘straight talking’ or being deliberately rude. Using a range of colourful examples, it shows how we use language playfully and figuratively in
Oxford Practice Grammar Advance
Nice program for improving our grammar. Full of listening and writing practices. This will help you in learning English better. The Listening sections are challenging. Download the software.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Muhammad The Greatest
The book was written by Ahmed Deedat.The history of the greatest prophet ever. Get the book here.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Kesenangan yang datang tak akan selamanya begitulah selepas susah ada kesenangan seperti selepas malam datangnya siang oleh itu waktu senang jangan lupa daratan
Gunakan kesempatan untuk kebaikan sebelum segalanya terlepas dari genggaman kelak menyesal nanti tak berkesudahan apa gunanya sesalan hanya menekan jiwa
Jangan difikir derita akan berpanjangan
kelak akan membawa putus asa pada Tuhan
Ingatlah biasanya kabut tak berpanjangan
setelah kabut berlalu pasti cerah kembali
Ujian adalah tarbiyah dari Alloh
apakah kita kan sabar ataupun sebaliknya
kesenangan yang datang selepas kesusahan
semuanya adalah nikmat dari Tuhan. (syair)
Gunakan kesempatan untuk kebaikan sebelum segalanya terlepas dari genggaman kelak menyesal nanti tak berkesudahan apa gunanya sesalan hanya menekan jiwa
Jangan difikir derita akan berpanjangan
kelak akan membawa putus asa pada Tuhan
Ingatlah biasanya kabut tak berpanjangan
setelah kabut berlalu pasti cerah kembali
Ujian adalah tarbiyah dari Alloh
apakah kita kan sabar ataupun sebaliknya
kesenangan yang datang selepas kesusahan
semuanya adalah nikmat dari Tuhan. (syair)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Writing Warm Ups
Sometimes, it is hard to find a book related to the writing activities in the classroom. I don't know why it happened. It might coz the boring activities that we usually have in the writing classroom. In contrast, this book gives us many interesting activities that we can conduct in our writing classroom. So, try it out guys. Get it here.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Grammar Games
The book consists of grammar activities. The games focus in particular grammar terms. Get it here for your own grammar classroom. Get away from boring grammar class.
Is That What You Mean?
We must have mistakes when studying the language. But, we also want to correct our mistakes. We cannot correct our mistakes if we do not know about the mistakes. This book will guide us in correcting some mistakes in learning English. So, get it here.
Activating Vocabulary
The pictures book that you'll need to enrich your students' vocabulary. There are so many vocabulary which will activate your students' brain in learning English. So, download the book here and start making your fun English classroom.
A Handbook of Classroom English
The book consists of classroom activities. The easy ways to activate students in learning English. Try this activities in oyur own classroom. Feel the different way in making interesting presentation to the students. Download here.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Handbook of Magazine Article Writing
More than paper, more than ink, more than even those annoying subscription cards that tumble out at every opportunity, magazines are made of ideas. Behind every magazine is an idea. Behind every article within the magazine is an idea. Behind every sentence within an article is—or darn well ought to be—an idea. And where do all those ideas come from? Many come from writers. Download here.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Words and Symbols
Language has been a subject of study for around 3000 years, although humans have been talking to each other in all likelihood since homo sapiens evolved in Africa 200,000 years ago. Humans remain the only
species with the mental and physical capacity to transform thoughts into words, to think in words, to create and communicate with the symbolic notation of experience that is called language. Words are commonly used without awareness of their presence, much as breath is drawn without awareness of the task of breathing or of the surrounding air.
species with the mental and physical capacity to transform thoughts into words, to think in words, to create and communicate with the symbolic notation of experience that is called language. Words are commonly used without awareness of their presence, much as breath is drawn without awareness of the task of breathing or of the surrounding air.
The Handbook of Speech Perception
The major goal of The Handbook of Speech Perception is to present the research and theory that has guided our understanding of human speech perception. Over the last three decades, enormous theoretical and technical changes have occurred in perceptual research on speech. From its origins in psychophysical assessments of basic phonetic attributes in telecommunication systems, the research agenda has broadened in scope considerably over the years to encompass multisensory speech perception, speech perception with sensory
Sound Pattern of Spoken English
Most people speaking their native language do not notice either the sounds that they produce or the sounds that they hear. They focus directly on the meaning of the input and output: the sounds serve as a channel for the information, but not as a focus in themselves (cf. Brown 1977: 4–5) This is obviously the most efficient way to
communicate. If we were to allow a preoccupation with sounds to get in the way of understanding, we would seriously handicap our interactions. One consequence of this opacity of the sound medium is that our notion of how we pronounce words and longer utterances can be very different from what we actually say. Take a sentence like ‘And the suspicious cases were excluded.’Whereas a speaker of English might well think they are saying:...Download the book here.
communicate. If we were to allow a preoccupation with sounds to get in the way of understanding, we would seriously handicap our interactions. One consequence of this opacity of the sound medium is that our notion of how we pronounce words and longer utterances can be very different from what we actually say. Take a sentence like ‘And the suspicious cases were excluded.’Whereas a speaker of English might well think they are saying:...Download the book here.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Picture Stories
This book contains full of English materials. You can use it in your own classroom. The pictures can be used as a speaking materials. You can download the book here.

One may even ask: has modernism come to an end? There are certainly those who do not hesitate to answer this question affirmatively,
Computational Approaches to Morphology and Syntax
Computational approaches to morphology and syntax are generally concerned with formal devices, such as grammars and stochastic models, and algorithms, such as tagging or parsing. They can range from primarily theoretical work, looking at, say, the computational complexity of algorithms for using a certain class of grammars, to mainly applied work, such as establishing best practices for statistical language modeling in the context of automatic speech recognition. Our intention in this volume is to provide a critical overview of the key computational issues in these domains along with some (though certainly not all) of the most effective approaches taken to address these issues. Some approaches have been known for many decades; others continue to be actively researched. Download it here.
College Writing (Teacher's Book)
This book is a teacher guidance in implementing the students' book. Get it here.
College Writing (Student's Book)
Writing is a very important part of your university study. You will write assignments that may range from one paragraph to several paragraphs long. This book will help you in practicing the writing. Download the book.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Language Death
The rapid endangerment and death of many minority languages across the world is a matter of widespread concern, not only among linguists and anthropologists but among all concerned with issues of cultural identity in an increasingly globalized culture. A leading commentator and popular writer on language issues, David Crystal asks the
Language Interrupted

Building a Strong Vocabulary
This book is needed for you who wanna raise your vocabulary fastly. You can implement all of the strategy by your own. Try this awesome strategy in enriching your vocabulary. Get the book here.
Common Errors in English

Prepositions and Particles in English
The prepositions and particles in English tells us about some grammatical rules in mechanics. The English learner should read this book. So, get it here.