Thursday, December 31, 2009

Gus Dur (in memoriam)

Inna Lillaahi Wa inna ilaihi raaji'uun. The great Indonesian thinker passed away on Wednesday, 30 December 2009 at 18.45 in RSCM. KH. Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) has given us the different way of perceiving sth. Thanks for that. May Allah SWT bless you.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

PCMAV 2.2b Build 3 (Update)

This is the update version of PCMAV 2.2b. More viruses added into the database. So, it can scan more effective . Try it. Download here.

Tangkuban Parahu

Subhanallah, we'll become a part of this beautiful creation if we realize that we're His 'Abd'. Contemplate ourselves for knowing the truth around us. Allah taught us with all of the creations, then the question is, have we learned those lessons? You know the answer guys. (Bandung, 28 December 2009)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Lost Art of Listening

Nothing hurts more than the sense that the people we care about aren’t really listening. We never outgrow the need to have our feelings known. That’s why a sympathetic ear is such a powerful force in human relationships—and why the failure to be understood is so painful. My ideas about listening have been sharpened by thirty-five years as a psychoanalyst and family therapist. Refereeing arguments between intimate partners, coaching parents to communicate with their children, and struggling myself to sustain empathy as my patients faced their demons has led me to the conclusion that much of the conflict in our lives can be explained by one simple fact: people don’t really listen to each other.

Talking without listening is like snipping an electrical cord in half and hoping that somehow something will light up. Most of the time, of course, we don’t deliberately set out to break the connection. In fact, we’re often baffled and dismayed by feeling left in the dark. Download the book.

Membongkar Gurita Cikeas

Controversial book which is needed your head to think it carefully. All of judgments are up to you as a reader. Hence, read the book by yourself.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dodea: Skill Builder

The book that is needed by young learner to learn English. It is full of exercises in writing skill mastery. However, it also can be used to improve other skills in English. So, just read it. Hopefully, this posting can be usable for English teachers. Link 2

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dajjal dan Simbol Setan

H. Toto Tasmara writes an extraordinary analysis about the global system. However, try to think critically and carefully in viewing a such kind of issues. Hope this will inform us about the crazy system nowadays. Download this book.

Introduction to Teaching English

This book is for teachers who are learning to teach English either on an initial teacher training course, or beginning their teaching career. It is a little different from other teaching training manual in two ways. So, read the complete book to prepare yourself as an English teacher.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Stephenie Meyer Novels

Twilight gives us the first impression to the different taste of novel. I like my reading sophisticated. This give me an enjoyable reading I've ever had. So, read it yourself and welcome to the new adventure of great novel. Download here.

The second book of Meyer. This is the continuation of the previous story. You can read the next outstanding adventure of romance and love. New moon is here.

Are you still looking for nice reading huh? Not enough for those two books? I guess so. Yeah, the story must go crazy. So, don't let this third novel away. Keep reading guys. Eclipse.

Yeah, harder to get away from those books. Looks like she got your head by her novel. Just read the breaking down here.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

PCMAV 2.2b Build 2 (Update)

This is the updated version of PCMAV 2.2b. It can handle more viruses in your computer. The virus data base has been added 15 new viruses. You can update your PCMAV by copying the vdb exactly in your vdb folder. Copy and replace the existing update vdb. If you did not have the full version of the antivirus, then you can download here.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

STKIP Setiabudhi English Scores

Remember, this is temporary scores. In other words, the score can still be changed refers to several criterion. You need to complete all of the tasks so that can change your final score. Keep this as your reflection. See the scores.


From Where You Dream

The book gives us some explanations about the process of how to write a fiction. As you know that the process of writing fiction is different with the non-fiction. The process of enriching our imagination before taking off our pen. Hence, this can become a guide in fiction writing. You can read the publication here.

SMK PGRI English Score 2009/2010 Update

This is the final score of SMK PGRI English. Download the score.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Andrea Hinata Trilogy

Laskar Pelangi is the first trilogy of Hinata's work. He made a simple novel represents his own experience in young age. Full of encouraging moments and messages. Click here to download the book.

Sang Pemimpi is the continuation of Laskar Pelangi's story. Read it for enjoyment. Here.

Edensor is the last chapter book of the trilogy. Click here to download.

Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice

This book derives from a feeling of considerable unease and puzzlement about the way translation has been treated, over a substantial period, by translation theorists on the one hand and linguists on the other. So read the book by yourself. Download the book.

Catatan Hati Seorang Istri

Asma Nadia a piece of her works. Her great novel writing entertain us in understanding a way of Islamic life. So download the novel here.

Ayat-Ayat Cinta

The great novel from 'Kang Abik' Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. Click here to download the novel.

La Tahzan

The great works from Aidh Al-Qarni. Read it carefully and try to implement in our daily acts. This gives us a refreshing idea about His prayer. The great books ever. Click here to download the book.

Becoming a Translator

The study of translation and the training of professional translators is without question
an integral part of the explosion of both intercultural relations and the transmission
of scientific and technological knowledge; the need for a new approach to the
process of teaching and learning is certainly felt in translator and interpreter training
programs around the world as well. How best to bring student translators up to speed,
in the literal sense of helping them to learn and to translate rapidly and effectively?
How best to get them both to retain the linguistic and cultural knowledge and to
master the learning and translation skills they will need to be effective professionals? Click here to read the book.

How to Write Essay

The skill of writing essays is an essential tool if you are to
achieve the kind of grade you want in the courses you are
studying. This is true whether you are studying at GCSE, AS
or A levels at school or college, or trying to gain a degree
at university.
There is no single, foolproof method of successful
essay-writing. However, the advice and the practical
guidance you will receive in this book will provide you
with all you need to know about how to improve your grade assessments
by putting into practice some simple, but invaluable, principles of essay
These approaches will work for you whether you are facing assessment
in timed examinations and/or being judged by coursework assignments.
In essence, the principles of essay-writing apply to both situations: when
you are under the pressure of an examination room, or, at home or in
college with more time to produce your assignment essay.
There is no doubt at all that the people who do best in assessments of all
kinds are those who understand exactly what is required of them and
who manage to deliver exactly that. In other words, it is not just what
you know, but how you apply that knowledge when you are being
assessed that finally counts. See the book.

When Bad Grammar Happens to Good People

Everyone has bad language habits. We hear language errors
on TV, at work, and even from our family—so many times
that the errors might seem correct. But they’re still errors, and
they can make us sound less sophisticated, or even less intelligent,
than we really are.
Fortunately, you can form new, good habits the same way
you got stuck with the bad ones: by repetition. This program
will help you do it. Here’s how:
1. Get started: Find out what you know. A pretest
that covers some of the most common language
errors is included in this book. If you get an answer
wrong, or if you’re just not sure why you
got it right, the pretest’s key will direct you to the
chapter—or group of related errors—that can
2. Choose where to begin! The chapters are carefully
organized in a series. The program works
best if you take the units in the order you find
them. However, they can stand alone if need be.
After you take the pretest, you may want to jump
to a particular chapter on a topic of special interest
to you.
This book will show us some mistakes that we usually made in our daily conversation and thought it as not an error. So, download the book here.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Get the free books from Internet

Many sites provide us with free books or publications. One of the site is I have proved that this site sent me numbers of books. I have received 50 books for free. Just register to it and complete the registration and go shopping.

My Collection Books

This is my collection books. You can contact me, if you need those books. Most of my collections are English literature. Hence, these can help you in writing your script or thesis. Download the list.

SMK PGRI English Score 2009/2010

This still a temporary score. So, please contact me if there is a mistake. Click here to see the list of the scores.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Short Animation

This short animation is about "Backkom" the naked bear. Very funny and can be used in the classroom. The students must love this. They can retell the story using tgheir own words. Click here to download.

Reading Test

In testing reading comprehension, we should know many forms of testing it. This article gives us some examples of each type of questions in testing reading comprehension. See full article.

Cross-Cultural Pragmatics

In different societies and different communities, people speak differently. These differences in ways of speaking are profound and systematic. These differences reflect different values, or at least different hierarchies of values. Different ways of speaking, different communicative styles, can be explained and made sense of, in terms of independently established different cultural values and cultural priorities. Click here for full presentation.

Onomatopoeia Words

Many English words come from the sound. This sound can represent a meaning. It's called onomatopoeia words. Here is the list of onomatopoeia words. You can find other words by yourself in our daily activities. Click here to download the full article.


Local anti virus that can handle most of local virus. Try it for sure.

Kala Alloh SWT berkata Tidak!

Ya Alloh,

Berilah aku kekuatan untuk selalu mentaati-Mu.


engkaulah yang harus memahami ayat-ayat-Ku sehingga kau mau memasrahkan diri untuk mentaati perintah-perintah-Ku.

Ya Alloh,

Ampunilah segala dosa dan kesalahanku.


engkau sendirilah yang harus memperbaiki amal-amalmu.

Ya Alloh,

Panjangkanlah umurku.


engkaulah yang harus berbuat kebaikan sehingga Aku betah melihatmu hidup di bumi ciptaan-Ku

Ya Alloh,

Berilah aku rejeki yang baik dari sisi-Mu.


carilah rejeki yang telah kuhamparkan di bumi dengan kemampuan yang telah aku berikan padamu.

Ya Alloh,

Jadikan aku hamba yang senantiasa bersyukur pada-Mu.


engkaulah yang harus menyadari bahwa seluruh nikmat yang ada padamu adalah milik-Ku.

Ya Alloh,

Jadikanlah ketenangan dan hidayah-Mu senantiasa abadi dalam qalbku.


engkaulah yang harus menjadikan hatimu terbuka dan layak untuk ditempati oleh hidayah-Ku.

Ya Alloh,

Berikanlah padaku pendamping yang terbaik untukku.


engkaulah yang harus menjadi hamba terbaik-Ku sehingga aku akan menyediakan bagimu hamba terbaik-Ku.