Thursday, January 28, 2010

Muhammad The Greatest

The book was written by Ahmed Deedat.The history of the greatest prophet ever. Get the book here.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Kesenangan yang datang tak akan selamanya begitulah selepas susah ada kesenangan seperti selepas malam datangnya siang oleh itu waktu senang jangan lupa daratan

Gunakan kesempatan untuk kebaikan sebelum segalanya terlepas dari genggaman kelak menyesal nanti tak berkesudahan apa gunanya sesalan hanya menekan jiwa

Jangan difikir derita akan berpanjangan
kelak akan membawa putus asa pada Tuhan
Ingatlah biasanya kabut tak berpanjangan
setelah kabut berlalu pasti cerah kembali

Ujian adalah tarbiyah dari Alloh
apakah kita kan sabar ataupun sebaliknya
kesenangan yang datang selepas kesusahan
semuanya adalah nikmat dari Tuhan. (syair)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Writing Warm Ups

Sometimes, it is hard to find a book related to the writing activities in the classroom. I don't know why it happened. It might coz the boring activities that we usually have in the writing classroom. In contrast, this book gives us many interesting activities that we can conduct in our writing classroom. So, try it out guys. Get it here.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Grammar Games

The book consists of grammar activities. The games focus in particular grammar terms. Get it here for your own grammar classroom. Get away from boring grammar class.

Becoming a Translator

This is a new update of the previous ebook with the same title. get it here.

Is That What You Mean?

We must have mistakes when studying the language. But, we also want to correct our mistakes. We cannot correct our mistakes if we do not know about the mistakes. This book will guide us in correcting some mistakes in learning English. So, get it here.

Activating Vocabulary

The pictures book that you'll need to enrich your students' vocabulary. There are so many vocabulary which will activate your students' brain in learning English. So, download the book here and start making your fun English classroom.

A Handbook of Classroom English

The book consists of classroom activities. The easy ways to activate students in learning English. Try this activities in oyur own classroom. Feel the different way in making interesting presentation to the students. Download here.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Handbook of Magazine Article Writing

More than paper, more than ink, more than even those annoying subscription cards that tumble out at every opportunity, magazines are made of ideas. Behind every magazine is an idea. Behind every article within the magazine is an idea. Behind every sentence within an article is—or darn well ought to be—an idea. And where do all those ideas come from? Many come from writers. Download here.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Words and Symbols

Language has been a subject of study for around 3000 years, although humans have been talking to each other in all likelihood since homo sapiens evolved in Africa 200,000 years ago. Humans remain the only
species with the mental and physical capacity to transform thoughts into words, to think in words, to create and communicate with the symbolic notation of experience that is called language. Words are commonly used without awareness of their presence, much as breath is drawn without awareness of the task of breathing or of the surrounding air.

The Handbook of Speech Perception

The major goal of The Handbook of Speech Perception is to present the research and theory that has guided our understanding of human speech perception. Over the last three decades, enormous theoretical and technical changes have occurred in perceptual research on speech. From its origins in psychophysical assessments of basic phonetic attributes in telecommunication systems, the research agenda has broadened in scope considerably over the years to encompass multisensory speech perception, speech perception with sensory

Sound Pattern of Spoken English

Most people speaking their native language do not notice either the sounds that they produce or the sounds that they hear. They focus directly on the meaning of the input and output: the sounds serve as a channel for the information, but not as a focus in themselves (cf. Brown 1977: 4–5) This is obviously the most efficient way to
communicate. If we were to allow a preoccupation with sounds to get in the way of understanding, we would seriously handicap our interactions. One consequence of this opacity of the sound medium is that our notion of how we pronounce words and longer utterances can be very different from what we actually say. Take a sentence like ‘And the suspicious cases were excluded.’Whereas a speaker of English might well think they are saying:...Download the book here.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Picture Stories

This book contains full of English materials. You can use it in your own classroom. The pictures can be used as a speaking materials. You can download the book here.


Modernism constitutes one of the most prominent fields of literary studies today. It is, however, a field that stands in a very ambiguous relationship to the present literary and cultural situation. Perhaps this is indeed one reason for the current vitality of modernist studies that can be observed on both sides of the Atlantic. Scholars and critics are seeking to draw a balance sheet with modernism, but there is still a great deal of basic disagreement about how to “settle” it as a historical category.

One may even ask: has modernism come to an end? There are certainly those who do not hesitate to answer this question affirmatively,

Computational Approaches to Morphology and Syntax

Computational approaches to morphology and syntax are generally concerned with formal devices, such as grammars and stochastic models, and algorithms, such as tagging or parsing. They can range from primarily theoretical work, looking at, say, the computational complexity of algorithms for using a certain class of grammars, to mainly applied work, such as establishing best practices for statistical language modeling in the context of automatic speech recognition. Our intention in this volume is to provide a critical overview of the key computational issues in these domains along with some (though certainly not all) of the most effective approaches taken to address these issues. Some approaches have been known for many decades; others continue to be actively researched. Download it here.

College Writing (Teacher's Book)

This book is a teacher guidance in implementing the students' book. Get it here.

College Writing (Student's Book)

Writing is a very important part of your university study. You will write assignments that may range from one paragraph to several paragraphs long. This book will help you in practicing the writing. Download the book.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Language Death

The rapid endangerment and death of many minority languages across the world is a matter of widespread concern, not only among linguists and anthropologists but among all concerned with issues of cultural identity in an increasingly globalized culture. A leading commentator and popular writer on language issues, David Crystal asks the

Language Interrupted

The concept elicits little objection when observed in passing. Dalby (1998, 391) hardly considers it a venturesome statement that “a lingua franca needs to be easy to grasp, and Malay has a more approachable structure than its relatives.” When Trudgill (1996, 8–9) proposes that Alpine Romansch and Faroese have accreted unusual and complex sounds because as isolated languages, they have rarely been subjected to adults’ diminished capacity for imitating unfamiliar phonetic segments, the argument is not received as controversial.

Building a Strong Vocabulary

This book is needed for you who wanna raise your vocabulary fastly. You can implement all of the strategy by your own. Try this awesome strategy in enriching your vocabulary. Get the book here.

Common Errors in English

Quick Solutions to Common Errors in English is a reference book which has been written for the student and the general reader. It aims to tackle the basic questions about spelling, punctuation, grammar and word usage that the student and the general reader are likely to ask. Throughout the book there are clear explanations, and exemplar sentences where they are needed. When it's helpful to draw attention to spelling rules and patterns, these are given so that the reader is further empowered to deal with hundreds of related words. The aim always has been to make the reader more confident and

Prepositions and Particles in English

The prepositions and particles in English tells us about some grammatical rules in mechanics. The English learner should read this book. So, get it here.

Writing Skill Success in 20 Minutes a Day

This is the ebook that you can download and read. It contains the grammatical rules of writing. Learn it step by step so that you can make a writing smoothly. Gheez...

Materi Writing III

This is the material of writing III. You may download it here.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Teaching Listening

Two themes will wind through this discussion. The first is the necessity of supporting students’ learning. Listening in another language is a hard job, but we can make it easier by applying what we know about activating prior knowledge, helping students organize their learning by thinking about their purposes for listening, and if speaking is also a goal of the classroom, using well-structured speaking tasks informed by research.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Perkara Yang Menyelamatkan

Orang yang mengetahui tiga perkara
akan selamat dari tiga perkara:
Pertama, orang yang tahu bahwa Sang Pencipta
tak pernah berbuat salah dalam mencipta maka, dia akan selamat dari mencela.
Kedua, orang yang tahu bahwa Sang Pencipta
tidak pernah pilih kasih dalam membagikan rezeki maka,
dia akan selamat dari iri hati.
Dan Ketiga, orang yang tahu dari apa Tuhan menciptakannya maka,
dia akan selamat dari kesombongan

The one who know three things will be saved in three things:
First, the one who know that God
never make some mistakes in creation then,
he will be saved from mocking.
Second, the one who know that God
never differentiate in administering the 'rizq' or bless.
he will be`saved from jealousy.
And the third, the one who know from what he's created,
he will be saved from arrogant.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The History of English Literature

You can read the full article here or download the ebook here. This is a complete history of English Literature. Start from the Britons era and until the modern era. There are several chapter of the book. Read it and try to make your own notes. Have a nice read.

Menguasai Tenses Secara Cepat

Untuk menguasai tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris secara cepat dapat dimulai dengan memahamai beberapa hal yaitu, tense (bentuk waktu), modal, past participle, dan progressive (-ing form). Kesemuanya itu merupakan modal dasar dalam penguasaan tenses. Sebagaimana akan dijelaskan berikut:
1. Tense
Bentuk waktu dalam bahasa Inggris utamanya hanya ada dua present (kini) dan past (lampau). Bentuk waktu present biasa menggunakan kata kerja pertama (verb 1) sedangkan past biasa menggunakan kata kerja kedua (verb 2). Contoh: I eat the brownies. (present) I ate the brownies. (past).
2. Modal
Modal yang diapakai dalam pemahaman tenses kita biasanya hanya will (future). Padahal sebenarnya modal tidak hanya will tapi ada bentuk yang lain. Tapi kita fokus saja pada will (akan/future). Pokoknya dimana ada kata 'will' maka bentuknya future. :) Bersambung.....

PCMAV 2.2c Build 1 (Update)

The new update pcmav 2.2c. The continous level of Indonesian (local) anti virus. It has more virus signature. So, it can handle more viruses. Get it here.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Scientifically Speaking

From graduate school to retirement, giving presentations is part of the fabric of scientific life. In the course of that life, scientists generally progress from “entrance” poster presentations, to short oral presentations, to longer invited lectures. Although the first edition of this booklet focused on the latter, this version addresses all three forms of presentation because each has its own challenges—challenges that must be identified and met if effective scientific communication is to happen. Although scientific presentations are an accepted means
of accomplishing the exchange of knowledge and information that is essential to scientific endeavor, many posters are ineffective communication tools and far too many bad talks are still being given. If presentations are not of the highest caliber in both content and delivery, communication is fl awed and science is neither properly served nor facilitated. Development of good public speaking skills will also make positive contributions to many other aspects of an individual’s career, given the importance of oral communication in...Get it here.

Teaching Reading

Normally developing children raised by caring adults develop speech and language abilities naturally and without effort. Learning to read is a different process because it involves learning about a symbolic system (writing) used to represent speech. Before children begin to learn to associate the written form with speech, they need to learn the vocabulary, grammar and sound system of the oral language. Research has shown that there is a close connection between oral vocabulary and early reading ability. The ability to attend to the individual sounds within words (phonological and phonemic awareness) is also an oral skill that is closely associated with reading ability. Get it here.

Capturing and Directing the Motivation to Learn

As an academic quarter begins, most instructors at Stanford don’t dwell much on the idea of motivating
students. After all, students here are bright and inquisitive, and have excelled in academic pursuits in large part, it seems, because they know how to focus their energies and attend to business. And the start of a new quarter always brings with it a buzz of enthusiasm and adrenaline, in class and out. But as the quarter progresses and courses settle into a comfortable routine, student interest can appear to flag—and it’s at this point that the urge to reenergize students comes to the fore and instructors begin to ask how they can motivate their students to perform better.

Teaching and Listening : From Theory to Practice

Courses in listening and speaking skills have a prominent place in language programs around the world today. Ever-growing needs for fluency in English around the world because of the role of English as the world’s international language have given priority to finding more effective ways to teach English.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Encyclopedia of the World's Endangered Languages

If we trace the history of linguistics as a science, from the realms of mere speculation as recently as the eighteenth century to its status as a relatively exact science, with many distinct specialisations, at the beginning of the twenty-first, and compare that history with the history of demographic, political and economic change across the globe over the same brief period in the span of man’s existence as a speaking animal, then it begins to become clear why the concept of endangerment’ is so new to the realms of linguistics.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Lost Symbol (Indonesian Translation)

The book starts by declaring that a document was lodged with the CIA in 1991. In that document reference was made to an ancient portal and to a phrase that "It's buried out there somewhere" - that document is still with the CIA today.
The Prologue is set in the House of the Temple at 8:33 pm where someone is being initiated into a Freemasons type order and whilst this is happening that person is all the time thinking that they are about to learn the innermost secrets of the organization - information that they will use for evil purposes. The Prologue finishes with the line "Soon you will lose everything you hold most dear".

Deception Point (Indonesian Translation)

Rachel Sexton, estranged daughter of the charismatic leading Presidential nominee Senator Sedgewick Sexton, and herself a highly competent "gister" working for the little known but highly effective intelligence agency NRO (National Reconnaissance Office), one day gets an unexpected audience with the President himself. On his request, she soon herself in the icy depths of the Arctic, sent to verify a stupendous discovery by NASA.
Coming at a time when NASA’s existence is threatened by Sedgewick’s rhetoric

Digital Fortress (Indonesian Translation)

Once again, this Dan Brown novel emphasizes cryptography and details its origins, uses and various forms, and the subject makes for fascinating reading, if a bit dry. Through the central character of Susan, we come to see how cryptography has evolved in today’s time and also something about the NSA, its functions, capabilities and awesome power. With an ingenious plot whose exciting premise is further bolstered by a rapid pace, lots of suspense, interesting characterizations and a romantic entanglement thrown in for good measure, Digital Fortress is

Angels and Demons (Indonesian Translation)

          Angels & Demons introduces the character of Robert Langdon, professor of religious iconology and art history at Harvard University. As the novel begins, he's awakened in the middle of the night by a phone call from Maximilian Kohler, the director of CERN, the world's largest scientific research facility in Geneva, Switzerland. One of their top physicists had been murdered, with his chest branded with the word "Illuminati." Since Langdon is an expert on the ancient secret society known as the Illuminati, he's asked to help solve the murder. A high tech X-33 plane transports Langdon from Massachusetts to Switzerland in a little more than an hour.

The Da Vinci Code (Indonesian Translation)

That's the real flaw in the book both as a story and as an exploration of ideas: it has a strong feeling of shallowness about it. You sort of get to know the characters, but they seem like rather shallow people. One of the heroes is motivated largely by such a ridiculous overreaction to an incident in her past that it strains credibility to the breaking point and rather than invoking sympathy, mostly just makes you want to shake her. The ideas presented are interesting, but one gets the feeling there are all sorts of other sides to the story that are just being ignored in order to increase the plausibility of the favored theory.

PCMAV 2.2b Build 4 (Update)

 Pcmav  update build 4 gives us more virus detection. As you know, pcmav can repair all infected data without deleting it. So, download the latest update of pcmav here.

Language Development and Learning to Read

Two major questions guide the research on reading. The first and most obvious has to do with methods of reading instruction: What works best, and why? This is the topic of the companion book, Early Reading Instruction. The second question, and the topic of this book, is more subtle and complex. It stems from the fact that there are striking individual differences in reading skill even when children are taught in the same classroom
with the same method by the same teacher. Why do some children learn to read easily and quickly, while others don’t learn to read at all? Read here.

Teachers Exploring Tasks in English Language Teaching

This book was written by language teachers for language teachers, with a view to encouraging readers to use more tasks in their lessons, and to explore for themselves various aspects of task-based learning (TBL) and
teaching. It gives insights into ways that tasks can be designed, adapted and implemented in a range of teaching contexts and will thus appeal to teachers with little or no previous experience of using tasks themselves. It also illustrates ways in which tasks and task-based learning can be investigated in order to make the whole experience richer and more rewarding. Teachers who are thinking of embarking on a Diploma or Masters course, either on-site or by distance learning, will find lots of useful ideas here for their own classroom-based projects and assignments. Each contributor ends their chapter with practical recommendations and/or advice for other teachers, and many list further ideas that can be carried out in language classes. Get it here.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Backkom: The Golf

The series of backkom animation. This short movie is so funny. So check it out guys.

Dictionary of Slang

The dictionary of slang and unconventional words. Sometimes we found the difficult words to understand. It so hard to get the clear understanding about the words. This dictionary provide us with the meaning of slang words. Read more here.

A Dictionary of Linguistics

This is the dictionary of the linguistics and phonetics term. You will need this if you are a university students or a high motivated learner in English. So read more here.

War, Peace, and Obama's Nobel

By Noam Chomsky
In These Times, November 5, 2009

        The hopes and prospects for peace aren't well aligned -- not even close. The task is to bring them nearer. Presumably that was the intent of the Nobel Peace Prize committee in choosing President Barack Obama. The prize "seemed a kind of prayer and encouragement by the Nobel committee for future endeavor and more consensual American leadership," Steven Erlanger and Sheryl Gay Stolberg wrote in The New York Times.
        The nature of the Bush-Obama transition bears directly on the likelihood that the prayers and encouragement might lead to progress.
The Nobel committee's concerns were valid. They singled out Obama's rhetoric on reducing nuclear weapons.
Right now Iran's nuclear ambitions dominate the headlines. The warnings are that Iran may be concealing something from the International Atomic Energy Agency and violating U.N. Security Council Resolution 1887, passed last month and hailed as a victory for Obama's efforts to contain Iran.

Backkom: Ice Climbing

The backkom back in action. This short animation will give us an entertainment. It's funny and cute. So, this is the series of the animation. The 'ice climbing'. Watch it guys.

Keywords in Creative Writing

The idea for this book occurred to me years ago. One afternoon I was daydreaming. I imagined a nineteen-year-old undergraduate thinking of majoring in English, with an emphasis in creative writing. Throughout her high school years, she has written poetry and short stories, and her friends and family have encouraged her dream of becoming a writer. Yet she’s also been told, over and over, that very few people ever make it as writers. If only there were a concise, comprehensive guide to creative writing, she could begin to make an informed decision about her future plans. Get the book here.

Check Your Vocabulary for Academic English

The purpose of this book is to help students learn a common core of vocabulary which will be useful for almost any subject studied at college or university.
Advice to the Student
Obtain a Dictionary
Before attempting to use this book, you will need to obtain a good English-English dictionary, such as the Easier English Dictionary for Students (ISBN: 978 07475 6624 3) published by A&C Black Publishers Ltd, which this workbook has been based on.
Using your Dictionary
A dictionary is really a long list of individual words, but in normal situations, words are very rarely used on their own, appearing instead together with other words. For this reason, the vocabulary you will learn in this book is presented in example sentences which will help you to understand the words, to remember them more easily, and to use them correctly. Get the book.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Yahudi Menggenggam Dunia

dalam sejarah perjalanan ummat manusia secara detail. Sifat ketertutupan Yahudi merupakan trademark yang unik sejak dulu. Oleh karena itu, mengangkat masalah Keyahudian sebagai tema pembicaraan merupakan kesulitan yang tidak mudah diterobos. Namun demikian, sejak satu setengah abad yang silam ada beberapa buku tentang aktivitas Yahudi yang beredar, seperti buku Konglomerat Rothschild, karya Demachy. Sayangnya, buku yang langka seperti itu tidak banyak menyoroti orang, khususnya tentang kehidupan keluarga Rothschild dari sisi politik. Padahal, mereka ini sebenarnya pihak yang bertanggung jawab (setidaknya 50%) atas pertumpahan darah yang menimpa bangsa Eropa sejak tahun 1770. Ada pula buku yang paling istimewa yang ditulis orang tentang Keyahudian itu berjudul Yahudi Internasional. Buku ini memaparkan kekuasaan Yahudi atas Amerika Serikat dengan bahasa dan kemasan yang mudah difahami oleh pembacanya. Buku ini tidak membongkar keluarga Rothschild dan peran gila mereka di Amerika, karena konglomerat Rothschild lebih banyak muncul di Eropa daripada di Amerika, khususnya pada saat buku itu ditulis. Adapun sekarang, masalahnya tentu sudah jauh
berbeda. Sayangnya, buku ini dalam keempat bagiannya tidak menyinggung peran gila yang dimainkan oleh pihak Yahudi selama 150 tahun yang lalu. Download the book.

Writing Fantasy n Science Fiction

Most of the skills you need for writing fantasy or science fiction are the same as for any other sort of fiction. A good story, believable characters and a fluent, readable style are absolutely vital to all saleable popular fiction – whether thriller, romance, fantasy or science fiction. Whatever your other strengths and
interests as a writer, you must be strong in all the basics of good fiction in order to succeed. Book here.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

World 'sTop Ranked Universities

Rank Name of University Country
1 Harvard University USA
2 University of Oxford UK
3 University of Cambridge UK
4 Stanford University USA
5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA
6 University of California, Berkeley USA
7 California Institute of Technology USA
8 Princeton University USA
9 Yale University USA
10 University of Chicago USA
11 Columbia University USA
12 University of California, San Diego USA
13 Cornell University USA
14 University of California, Los Angeles USA
15 University Pennsylvania USA
16 University of Wisconsin, Madison USA
17 University of Washington, Seattle USA
18 Tokyo University Japan
19 University of California, San Francisco USA
20 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor USA
21 Kyoto University Japan
22 Imperial College London UK
23 Johns Hopkins University USA
24 University of Toronto Canada
25 University College London UK

Vocabulary in Context

VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT was written especially for you. The program was designed to enrich your personal “word bank” with many hundreds of high-frequency and challenging words.
There are six thematic books in the series—Everyday Living,Workplace and Careers, Science and Technology, Media and Marketplace, History and Geography, and Music, Art, and Literature. Each worktext presents topic-related readings with key terms in context. Follow-up exercises provide a wide variety of practice activities to help you unlock the meanings of unfamiliar words. These strategies include the study of synonyms and antonyms; grammatical word forms; word roots, prefixes, and suffixes; connotations; and the efficient use of a dictionary and thesaurus. Thinking skills, such as drawing conclusions and completing analogies, are included as reinforcement.

Analysis of 'King Arthur'

The book which will guide you to the critical analysis about King Arthur whether it is a legend or fact. This book will bring everything together - the facts, the theories, the legend - and try and make some sense of them all. It even presents a few theories of my own, and provide maps,
family trees and a chronology. That way not only can you see how it arrives at conclusions but it will allow you to draw your own. The book is divided into three main parts. The first covers the
historical Arthur. It looks at the world in which Arthur lived (roughly between 400 and 600AD), and explores what evidence has survived to prove or disprove his existence. It also looks at the
many theories that have been put forward to identify Arthur and sets them against the historical background in the hope that thereal Arthur will stand out. Download the book.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Wanna have smart children? Let em play

Playing is the children world. Every child must be eager to play. Furthermore, most of their time is for playing. Some parents sometimes get angry when their children just play around by forgetting eating, bathing and studying. In the teaching and learning process, some students also tend to play by themselves. Hence, no day without play for them.

In the child's hand, everything can become toys. The parents often get angry when the children make a house mess because of their playing. But, do you know that games/plays can make children smart? Besides the nutritious foods of course. That is why some experts suggest every parent to introduce many kinds of plays or games to their children at early ages.

“The children who are active physically will have the better concentration, and this will help him in academic life,”Said Jack Kern, Professor from University of Arkansas, USA. The research in English has supported Kern's statement. It is known that the passive children will tend to have obesity problem and low intelligence.

Much data from the research show that 70 percent child brain development at the first 3 years can be optimized through playing. However, How is the mechanism of advantageous playing?

A time the baby born, their brain still imperfectly well-form. It still develops in line with the maturation of the children. Sport and physical activity will influence their brain development in storing and recalling the information.

Besides, the brain cells are needed to fill with experiences in order to develop. The games which make the children participate actively (physic) will double to speed the link of brain cells. This will become a good practice for brain.

The physical activities can improve the blood cells' circulation. According to Dr. Karen Heath from Research Unit for Exercise Science and Sport Medicine, it also can improve oxygen in the blood. This is needed for the high concentration activity, especially in the academic life.

That is why, let the children play. Introduce them with many kinds of games. Let them choose their own games. Kompas/22/12/09/. (as translated from Rachmadwidodo's Weblog)